Pigeon Nest

A pair of pigeons have nested in one of my hedges (started near Australia Day). This is a picture of their babies from 2 days ago. I've left some second hand seed out for the parents, and it looks like they prefer eating it off the ground as opposed to a dish.

The two babies are now beginning to get some pep in them. They will puff up acting big and strong like their parents did when I got too close. They are nearly too big for the nest. This morning, the mother (or father) was sitting off to the side of them as they no longer fit underneath. Won't be too long before they fledge I think...

Thanks ALP

Thanks ALP for the carbon tax, the flood levy and now the 30% extra I will have to pay for health insurance.

Think you will get my vote in the next federal election? In the spirit of my last post, I will spell it out clearly: NO.

I can only hope you get ousted before you decided to further take from middle income earners where you should be targeting large multi-nationals who are posting millions/billions of dollars profit. That would be the sensible thing to do would it not?

No means no, anything else means yes

To our "esteemed" politicians,

Here are words of advice. Any answer other than no, means yes.