Giant Yankee Burger - Nobody has pulled it off?

So I did a quick look online on the 'Giant Yankee Burger Challenge' and have been unable to find anyone who has finished it?

Hollow Legs blog entry

Surely someone has .. someone must've done better than my effort?

One of the most ridiculous things I've heard .. I'd try it

A Turducken is a partially de-boned turkey stuffed with a de-boned duck, which itself is stuffed with a small de-boned chicken.

I'd probably try it if it was available in a restaurant somewhere ..

...I found it funny

I was looking at someones Boulder Dash site (an old Commodore 64 game) and came across this. I found it funny and brings back memories of my Calculus units back in high school and university. I do remember learning limits (like above), but don't ask me to remember all the theorems and shit learnt from uni....

Hot and Humid

So we're looking at low 30°C in Perth today, with high humidity (>90%). It feels a little like Singapore, but without the greenery, the cheap and tasty food, the Starbucks, the great train system, cheap arcade games etc etc. However, we do have heaps of Asians...

Connect-4 Champion 2007

So the power went out for a little over half an hour or so yesterday, so CB and I killed some time playing Connect-4. During the second game, the power came back on. It was a fight to the end, going to a third and decisive game. On the last game, I put myself into a position which secured my victory and with that, declared myself Connect-4 Champion for 2007!

As Johnny Drama from Entourage would shout ... "Victory!!!!!"