FUCK Microsoft!

My fucking XBox 360 has kicked the bucket again. It is a year old for fuck sake... my 20 year old C64 still fucking works, as do all my other consoles. My 6 year old Playstation 2 is still doing great.

Fuck M$. I think it's time to buy a PS3. I won't have any games to play but atleast it will fucking work when I turn it on.

If only I lived in Singapore/Jakarta/Brisbane/Sydney/Melbourne

Helloween are currently touring in Europe, promoting their latest album with Gamma Ray (my favourite band), who are also promoting their latest album.

I've just read news that Helloween are coming to this part of the world in February 2008 .. unfortunately, GR won't be... Black Majesty (an Aussie band who I quite like also) will be playing the Australian leg, not sure who is supporting the SE Asia part of the tour.

It's unfortunate cos if GR were coming, I'd spend the money to travel in an instant. I saw them in Sydney in December 2006 (thinking it was one of maybe a few chances that I'd ever get to see them), and it was the best show! The crowd, although a little small (but the venue was small too), were going nuts!

But I just can't bring myself to spending close to 1K to see Helloween (I personally think Andi Deris butchers the old classic Helloween tracks) and Black Majesty (or whatever support act in SE Asia). If I were living in those cities then I would go see them (as then it would only be $70 odd for tickets) ... Ah well... Maybe GR will change their minds and come down to Singapore? That would be a miracle, and I'd be there in an instant....

Planning / Saving for another holiday

You know, it's true what they say ... that you start planning / saving for the next holiday right after you've had one.

In actual fact, the plans for the next holiday (KL/Sing Sep/Oct 08) were already in plannings long before my recent trip to Sydney with CB, but it was only yesterday when I sat down and ballparked everything and came up with a quasi savings plan.

Looks like I'll be saving quite a bit of cash in order to go in 9 months time. I need more money.....