Bought a PS3

So I finally bit the bullet and bought a Playstation 3 .. because my Microsoft 360 is a piece of shit.

Target had a GT5 Prologue pack for $689 which includes console and game, with the promo starting on Thursday 24th. I called in the morning asking if any could be held, to which I was told no. They had 10 special packs, but could make more packs by packaging a regular console and game for the same price (just miss out on the box).

When I arrived in the afternoon, I got the LAST console.... lucky I guess. Target should be careful, as their inability to stock decent amounts of product may be taken as bait advertising.

GTA4 is going to be released next week ... I've ordered the US (uncensored) version, along with Unreal Tournament 3 and a Dual Shock 3 controller from overseas. How Australian retailers can charge $99+ per game is absolutely ridiculous, especially when the same games and controllers can be had from overseas for much cheaper. To put it into perspective, I bought said products for $221 delivered, whereas to buy the same stuff in Aus would of cost $300.

One good thing about the PS3 is free online play! There's a new Buzz coming out too, with downloadable questions.

My favourite C&H comic

Not much Ranting and Raving at the moment, so I thought I'd share my favourite Cyanide and Happiness comic. I smile every time I look at it. hahahaha.
Another long weekend coming up .. can't wait!