Sick of Driving

I thought I'd never say it, but I am finally sick of driving. The past few days have been very testing on the roads, I've probably spent at least 3 hours driving to and from work in the last few days.

Perth roads and its drivers are fucked. We have no population and the freeways and highways still end up as car parks. The people who designed these roads have had no foresight into the amount of traffic they now carry. WTF is with highways and traffic lights? Drivers can't seem to handle a little bit of rain and drive 20km/h under the speed limit. They pussyfoot off the lights like their powerful 4 cylinder will be a handful from a standstill.

Main Roads and their traffic information are useless. Check it before leaving for home and everything is peachy. Like fuck it is. The Kwinana Fwy northbound was backed up and putting along from before Canning Hwy heaps of times. No mention on their website. Their freeway speed signs aren't turned on. Big fucking help that is. The radio stations and their traffic report must get the same information cos they didn't help one bit.

Getting to work is a shit because of the amount of boats which have docked. It's taken over half an hour to get past a security checkpoint. Some speedhumps have also been erected to make it safer for motorcyclists. If they actually stayed in line instead of overtaking everyone in line, then they wouldn't have a fucking issue.

All this, along with a lousy salary review after working 2 years for a promotion is surely a sign to move on.

Got Metallica tickets

Got tickets to see them October 22nd here in Perth. Whilst the above is not the Metallica of today, this is the Metallica I wish to remember. Ah well, here's hoping they play mostly old stuff. Fuck yeah!

Edguy and Metallica in one year .. can we tempt Gamma Ray to come back down? I doubt it, but my fingers are secretly crossed.