Who voted in these ALP muppets?

I for one didn't.

Once again, "families" get the breaks with rebates for children, whilst singles get reamed up the wazoo paying for the incompetent governments mistakes.

In the new budget, flood levy for all (how about QLD footing the bill to rebuild their own shite?), means tested health insurance rebate, FBT changes for salary packaged cars...

My tax bill grows larger every year, fuel, food, electricity, gas prices going through the roof, interest rates are on the rise.... this government needs to F@CK OFF.

Coffee Machine fail

So the coffee machine has finally been fixed and put back into commission at work.

I made my first cup of coffee this morning ... I'm preferring the Jarrah stuff I've been making hahaha. Fail.

I will go back to the coffee machine when I run out of Jarrah. The Asian in me strikes again...