Stupid Kangaroo

This is a light altercation with a kangaroo .. it could've ended up much worse I guess. Yesterday, I had fitted some nice suspension bits to the car to keep it flat around corners and got the whole thing wheel aligned. Went for a drive up through the hills last night and BAM. CB was quite startled as it was against the passenger door, but luckily the glass wasn't damaged. Also lucky it didn't hit a third panel... unlucky that it hit two already.

Not sure what happened to the kangaroo, didn't stop to find out, plus it was pitch black anyway. The paint doesn't appear to be broken so hopefully I can get the paintless dent guys out to fix her up. My wheel alignment is now out again, so that's $49 down the drain.

Voting day

Ever since the election was called 6 weeks ago, I've always maintained the view of both the Labor and Liberal parties being equally shit. I fail to see what both parties stand for, and just see a whole load of empty promises and pledges of monetary support for the swing voter.

I had every intention of donkeying today, with a big fat "YOU ALL SUCK" on the ballot. However, absentee votes actually have your name on the envelope, so that wasn't really a good idea. But upon voting, there was a party which saved me.. the "Daylight Saving Party".

I knew right away what this party was about, and checking on their website, their policies included:
  1. To reverse the decision to hold a referendum on Daylight Saving Time in Western Australia and instead have the government make a decision on its introduction during 2009.
  2. To deregulate Retail Trading hours in Western Australia.
Two key things that I actually stand for .... they got my vote....

I also had a walk around the old high school I used to attend. I did the same with the federal election, going around my old primary school. Here are some things I noticed after 8 years:
  1. The butter marks on the wall from Azza's Cinnamon Buns are no longer there.
  2. The basketball courts have been paved with some weird blue coating... way too bright.
  3. Some rooms have ramps, some don't. (For disabled students I'm guessing).
  4. All the buildings are still standing, and they are looking tired.
  5. The Home Economics rooms (my old form was HEC2) have the same stoves in them.
  6. The Common Room has a couch! And the lockers have since been painted.
  7. There's signage everywhere for the different rooms ... don't students remember where classes are?
  8. On the Social Studies block, there's a pergola thingy covering the stairs so people don't get wet when raining ... pfft .. students are SOFT!
  9. The computing rooms still have CRT monitors .. WTF? Where are the LCDS?

What's with the shitty currency?

All this time to build up a strong currency and now it's turned to shit.. WTF?

PS3 region free? Only half of it is....

So I've been playing Rock Band on and off for the past few weeks, which I ordered from the US when the currency was good (now it is shit). I can play games from the US fine, however it's the DLC that I can't get with an Australian PSN account! ARGH!

Yeah there are workarounds (create a fake US PSN account to a fake address and use a US based credit card or Entropay) to get funds to the account. This costs a shitload (Entropay take 5% of the whole amount transferred to the card).

Should Sony be able to tout that their console is region free?