Asians are terrorists...

That's the conclusion that I've come up with. Or maybe it's just me. For some reason, 6ft Asian guys are dodgy.

On my recent trip to Sydney, I was bomb checked on both flights there and back. The security personnel explain the "random" searches and ask if they can perform a swab test. Do I look more suspicious if I tell them where to go?

A realisation at the Dragonforce gig

You know you are no longer a spring chicken when young people piss you off. And that's what happened last night at the Dragonforce gig.

The crowd at last nights gig were of a younger type and decided moshing was the way to go. When I first started going to gigs, all you had to do was bang your head, raise your fist in the air and enjoy the music. Young metal heads now take from their grunge counterparts and think that pushing and slamming into everyone is cool.

Whilst I believe in horses for courses, I paid good money to watch a band and feel my eardrums getting blown to bits. I don't need some sweaty, musty, fucktard slamming into me every time a fast riff / solo comes on.

And that's the end of my rant. How was the gig? Not including the aforementioned, it was a bit mixed for me. Both Universum (support band) and Dragonforce had mixing issues (I felt it wasn't balanced) and Dragonforce definitely sounded different live. This is probably due to the amount of layering they do. The CD may have 3 or 4 guitar tracks, whilst live, they only have 2 guitarists. So in some sections, the sound sounded "hollow".

I also knew the bands intro music too, and found it when I got home. It was Last Ninja 2 from the Commodore 64. Yes I'm a nerd....

Sony PS3 updates

Bloody hell. Sony seem to take the Microsoft mentality of system updates. Seems I'm forever updating this #&!(en thing just to get onto the Playstation Network. And every time they want me to update, it's > 100mb of quota.

Sony, take note: Get your shit right the first #*@(en time.

No need for new glasses

I got a letter from my optometrist last week saying it was time for a checkup. So today, I went for my appointment.

Whilst my eyes have gotten slightly worse over the past 2 years, the optometrist said there's no need for new glasses. They will only improve my sight marginally, but I can go for them at a later date. Good thing I guess.

Where's my money?

So Kevin Rudd wants to kickstart the economy again and is giving over 10 billion dollars in handouts.

I'm not a pensioner.

I can't afford to buy a house.

I don't have kids.

Pensioners already get money from the government. People with kids claim family benefits from the government. Where the #*@! is my share? How about giving ordinary tax paying Australians some of the bloody kitty? What complete BS. Who the #*@! voted these #*@!ers in.

Once again the working people get raped of their income and get jack in return.

Everyday mode VS Holiday mode

I wish I were back in holiday mode. A few more weeks and I should be OK, but I feel like this after every time I travel.

It was only a week and a bit ago that I'd be spending money on coffee, snacks, drinks, food etc, however when I'm in Perth, I look at the prices and don't buy anything. I've been hankering for a decent coffee these past few days, but yesterday, I didn't go to the GJs (our closest chain to decent coffee in Perth) at Cockburn Gateway, because I didn't want to spend the money.

What makes things different? I should enjoy coffee whilst not on holiday too....

Back to the daily grind


3 weeks of holidays are over, and I don't have any more leave to book my next holiday... the joys of a new job. Back to the daily grind for me. Boy was it hard getting up today.