A realisation at the Dragonforce gig

You know you are no longer a spring chicken when young people piss you off. And that's what happened last night at the Dragonforce gig.

The crowd at last nights gig were of a younger type and decided moshing was the way to go. When I first started going to gigs, all you had to do was bang your head, raise your fist in the air and enjoy the music. Young metal heads now take from their grunge counterparts and think that pushing and slamming into everyone is cool.

Whilst I believe in horses for courses, I paid good money to watch a band and feel my eardrums getting blown to bits. I don't need some sweaty, musty, fucktard slamming into me every time a fast riff / solo comes on.

And that's the end of my rant. How was the gig? Not including the aforementioned, it was a bit mixed for me. Both Universum (support band) and Dragonforce had mixing issues (I felt it wasn't balanced) and Dragonforce definitely sounded different live. This is probably due to the amount of layering they do. The CD may have 3 or 4 guitar tracks, whilst live, they only have 2 guitarists. So in some sections, the sound sounded "hollow".

I also knew the bands intro music too, and found it when I got home. It was Last Ninja 2 from the Commodore 64. Yes I'm a nerd....

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