No more Junglist on Good Game

I'm a fan of Good Game, shown on ABC2 on Monday nights. However, last week, it was suddenly announced that Junglist, one of the two hosts, was being axed, and replaced with a chick. Supposedly, this was because ABC big wigs found out about the gender inequality (2 male hosts) and, being politically correct, remedied the situation.

To be honest, I'm not a fan of Hex, the new female host. Nothing against her, but I liked Junglist's serious side compared to Bajo's comical side. Now it seems both Hex and Bajo are jokesters, and it doesn't gel well with me.

All the best to Junglist in his future endeavours.


wagg said...

What sort of f@#&%n names are they??!!

lordsnipe said...

They are nicknames for the players.

wagg said...

Okay, thanks for clarifying that, lordsnipe.
