Ensiferum/Cynic/Edguy gig

Here's my quick review of the gig on Thursday:

Ensiferum weren't bad. I think they are like a faster version of Elvenking (which isn't a bad thing), although I'm not big on the growl vocals. Couldn't really hear the chick keyboardist at all, so not sure if she was actually playing or not haha. Maybe she was there for eye candy. She didn't have her top off like the other guys.

Cynic were a jazz fusion band with progressive metal elements. The vocals had a ton of reverb with some other effect thrown in and just wasn't my cup of tea at all. The crowd wasn't going off because the songs were too slow. Their last song was their fastest, which got the crowd going, and was my favourite. But not looking for their albums any time soon.

I went to see Edguy, and I would've paid the money again just to see them again. They certainly didn't disappoint. Tobias and the band got the crowd going with his singalong antics. The played a 60-70 minute set and left the crowd wanting more. Tobias promised the crowd they will be returning to Perth, I would definitely go and see them again. My ears were ringing afterwards, my throat was a little scratchy this morning from the screaming, and it was so worth it.

Kamelot, Symphony X, Sonata Arctica, Elvenking, take note! If Edguy can come down, so can you!

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