One year into ownership ...

I've had my current car for just over a year now and I have three years to go before I am able to get rid of it. Whilst it's still early days yet, driving this car has actually been an enjoyable experience, although sometimes I do think what else I could be doing with the money spent.

Last year I bit the bullet and decided to put a Ford Focus XR5 (ST for the non Aussies) on a novated lease, due to the amount of kilometres I am currently doing. Whilst not the most fuel efficient car, I can honestly say that I look forward to the drive to/from work (provided I'm not stuck in a traffic jam). A little bit of added fruit on the car makes it even better to drive.

In terms of sheer driving experience, I probably can't say this car is better than a Nissan Skyline that I used to have (it could be the nostalgia goggles though). The straight 6 engine was smooth, it loved to rev and the steering and chassis balance was spot on. The Focus with it's 5 cylinder engine has a nice warble to it but doesn't rev as hard. Whilst also a front wheel drive, the chassis is set up quite well, especially with a stiffer rear swaybar.

It's probably the reason why this car (and others like the Golf GTI) are popular in Europe. Long service intervals, decent fuel economy and handling, power when you need it and none of the impracticalities of a sports coupe. Need to carry people? There's 4 doors and decent rear leg room. Need to carry a load? Drop the back seats and load it up.

The average lifespan of my cars has been two years to date. This car already will double that. When it comes to the end of the lease, I'm not sure what I'm going to do. With the amount of kilometres on the odometer, it's not going to be worth much. Provided the cost of fuel hasn't skyrocketed, I might just keep it....

Thankyou fucktard

To the person(s) who keep breaking my sprinkers, I hope karma pays you a visit you inconsiderate piece of scum. Let me know where you live so I can break your sprinklers and underlying pipes, so you can spend your time fixing trivial shit.

...Need to find my PVC cement and yet another trip to Bunnings to buy pipe joiners for yet another fucktards actions.

Who voted in these ALP muppets?

I for one didn't.

Once again, "families" get the breaks with rebates for children, whilst singles get reamed up the wazoo paying for the incompetent governments mistakes.

In the new budget, flood levy for all (how about QLD footing the bill to rebuild their own shite?), means tested health insurance rebate, FBT changes for salary packaged cars...

My tax bill grows larger every year, fuel, food, electricity, gas prices going through the roof, interest rates are on the rise.... this government needs to F@CK OFF.

Coffee Machine fail

So the coffee machine has finally been fixed and put back into commission at work.

I made my first cup of coffee this morning ... I'm preferring the Jarrah stuff I've been making hahaha. Fail.

I will go back to the coffee machine when I run out of Jarrah. The Asian in me strikes again...

Instant Coffee Success

Furthermore to instant coffee, I found the Jarrah samplers that I received awhile ago .. so I have a few days trying exotic blends of instant coffee, like 'Vienna Velvet' and 'Brazil Delight'.

I must say, it's better than Blend 43.

White Rabbit Lollies

These lollies remind me of my childhood, when I used to get them when going shopping with Mum and Dad to the Chinese shop.

On my recent trip to Hong Kong and Singapore, I made a little conscious effort to keep an eye out for these lollies. Didn't have much luck in Hong Kong surprisingly, and even in Singapore they weren't widely available. I managed to get a couple of packs from a street vendor between Bedok MRT and bus station in Singapore for $2 SGD a packet (108g).

I opened one packet this morning at work and have had a few. Memories of my childhood have come flooding back. I just hope these White Rabbits are not contaminated with melamine as they were in 2008. I'm not too sure if they are still available here or not either.

Milkos are probably the closest western equivalent, but they are sweeter, not as chewy and don't have the rice paper coating...

Boo to Instant Coffee

After 3 weeks of Starbucks, I wasn't too worried about going back to work's coffee machine, until I discovered on Monday that it was broken. Argh .. three days of instant so far and it's horrible stuff...

Honky Tonk

So I'm sitting at HK airport, waiting for my flight to Singapore for the second leg of my eating expedition. The past week and a bit have been enjoyable, the food is cheap and on the most part, good, shopping is cheap (if you are that way inclined) and everywhere is pretty convenient to get to.

I won't miss the crowds though, walking through the street with diesel fumes from buses and cigarette smoke from pedestrians. I won't miss wet floor or smoke filled toilets either. But one day, I will return, maybe in another 19 years, but hopefully before then...

Cantonese Butchery

So the first day in HK, I ended up walking through a market in the Causeway Bay area. The first thing I notice is that their meat is sold unrefrigerated and uncovered, hanging from the ceiling.

So whilst their hygeine practises leave a lot to be desired, I started to look at the cuts of meat that were on offer. While mostly primal cuts (less stuff to hang), the ribs looked really really good. I guess they are popular (pai gwat in dim sum), these had a lot of meat on them and were long. Not like the pile of short bones that we get back in Perth.

I should've brought my Weber Smokey Joe so I could've bought a rack, kissed it with sweet hickory smoke and nom nom'ed on some of the longest, meatiest ribs I've ever seen ....

Lost Tiel

Today when I got home after work, I did my usual routine of watering my chilli plants. As I headed towards my front door, I heard a cockatiel calling, but not coming from inside. (Colbie, one of my birds, knows the sound of a door being unlocked and starts calling frantically)

It was then I saw a cockatiel flying up to one of the tall palm trees around the area. It was calling out, probably trying to find its home or friends. He then took off somewhere else. Poor guy. I hope he finds some food and water in this heat.... :-(