Halo 3 is a bit overrated

So far (7 out of 9 missions) .. I think Bioshock has been a better experience than Halo 3 ... nuf said.

Received a love tap on Friday

Last Friday, on the way home from work, a guy in a WRX CS9 decided to run into the back of me on Alexander Drive. I was in the right lane, and traffic had stopped, the WRX was in the left and decided to gun it into the right (to overtake a bus on the left), only to notice that traffic had stopped.

I saw him gun it and dart across, and then slam on the brakes (no screeching as they have ABS). He almost made it and then boom .. he hit me.

Turned off onto a side street, looked at the car and I couldn't see any damage to the paint or the bumper (made of plastic, not metal). Lucky... He actually fared worse than me (paint on his bumper had cracked). I would normally be pissed, but for some reason, I wasn't, probably cos it wasn't my fault...

Reason why Perth has a speeding problem...

I know why there is a "speeding problem" in Perth. It's because the traffic control system encourages us to do so. If the traffic lights were actually timed together so they were all green if you obeyed the limit, there would be no incentive to speed. However in it's current state, if you go the speed limit, you are met with red light after fucking red light.

Ten Pin Bowling

Went for a bowl on Saturday night with Laped at Warwick (the closest one and Fairlanes is now shut). It's been the first time in Perth for ages now, I actually can't remember when, although the last time I went bowling was Singapore 2006.

Armed with my bowling ball drilled for my fingers (7 years ago), I initially bowled 3 gutters... hahaha. I pulled it back and finished with 111.

Second game, I bowled a respectable 155. I missed 4 spares and dropped 4 pins in the entire game >:-( I was actually close to beating my highest score of 166 but couldn't spare the 10th ... bugger.

I quite enjoy bowling, but at $23.20, it is relatively expensive here. In Singapore, games were like $4 or so each!

Perth City planners suck!

With the jump in population WA has seen with the mining boom in the recent years, the roads (especially in peak hour) have seemed to get worse. But instead of fixing the problem, the local councils and Main Roads have done some utter stupid moves .. here's a few that I experience every day:

Beaufort Street
Anyone who lives north east of Perth and works in/near the city will know the pain in the ass that is Beaufort Street. The Town of Vincent decided that parking on the road during the day is OK but is a clearway in peak hour. This simply has not worked, even if the Ranger is out issuing fines for infringing parkers. I think it should be better to tow the fuckers away, as 1 car can make a whole lot of mess in the Mt Lawley area.

Further down, near Inglewood, the stupid bus lane restricts peak hour traffic to ONE lane. What makes it worse is that people wish to turn right onto side streets and can stop traffic completely. People who travel on the bus lane risk getting a fine as sometimes there are pigs who pull over motorists using it. Yep .. very smart...

Fitzgerald Street
So Beaufort Street is a shit to drive on, the next best option is to take Fitzgerald. However, at the moment, there are roadworks for the second time this year, in the same location. After the first month or so stint of roadworks, they resurfaced it, made it all nice and smooth only to rip it up again. What is even worse, is that they are doing roadworks DURING peak hour, stopping traffic to get trucks through etc etc. Smart one that.

William Street
Some bright spark decided to make a 4 lane road to 2 lanes. Enough said.

The only other alternative for north easters is Guildford Road and is just as busy. And public transport is shit. With the amount of extra tax the government is getting, along with one of the biggest housing booms (and extra stamp duty to boot), you'd think some of it could be used to further develop our roads and traffic problem. However, it appears they wish to do the exact opposite.

Char Kway Teow, without the char...

I'll be the first to admit that I love food. I'm not sure if I love eating or cooking it more. Whilst I mainly draw inspiration from European cuisine, I thought I'd try something a little closer to home, especially after seeing a relatively simple recipe on a Food Safari trailer on SBS.

With a quick shop of ingredients and everything chopped and prepared, I made a batch of noodles. And how did it turn out? From a taste perspective, it wasn't bad but I would not call it Char Kway Teow. It did not have what the Cantonese call "wok hei" (have a look on Wikipedia). I don't believe that wok hei is derived simply from heat, as I had Mum's trusty (and well seasoned) wok on the point of smoking... it must be the amount of oil and the type of oil used too... I could be wrong though...

My version of Char Kway Teow (ok I'll stop calling it that) definitely is less greasy, but it just isn't the same.

I have 5.1 again!

This week, I decided to get rid of my old 5.1 sound system and replace it with a set of Logitech Z5500 speakers. My main reason was because at times, the old POS system would sometimes be a 4.1 or even a 3.1 system, which would only be remedied by time or a hard thud on the amp/sub.

The Logitech system is supposedly THX certified, with 500w of power! I have a THX demo DVD which sounds great on it, Michael Buble is pretty good and Bioshock on XBox360 is in another league!

Allergic reaction .. my first from memory

Yesterday I experienced my first allergic reaction .. that I remember anyway. One of my work colleagues made some carob fudge (after discussion on carob as a chocolate substitute last friday).

After eating a piece, my throat was incredibly itchy (like hayfever but worse) but I couldn't sneeze. After awhile, I felt a little wheezy and felt my throat was blocked up a bit. Following that, my eyes were red and watery, nose was blocked and couldn't stop sneezing. An hour later, but things were returning back to normal, although this morning I woke up with a sore throat...

I'm not sure what I'm allergic to.. I've had carob before when I was a lot younger and had no problems then. There was also coconut and something else in it, both which I've never had such a reaction to... Next time, no chocolate substitute for me .. only the real deal!