Allergic reaction .. my first from memory

Yesterday I experienced my first allergic reaction .. that I remember anyway. One of my work colleagues made some carob fudge (after discussion on carob as a chocolate substitute last friday).

After eating a piece, my throat was incredibly itchy (like hayfever but worse) but I couldn't sneeze. After awhile, I felt a little wheezy and felt my throat was blocked up a bit. Following that, my eyes were red and watery, nose was blocked and couldn't stop sneezing. An hour later, but things were returning back to normal, although this morning I woke up with a sore throat...

I'm not sure what I'm allergic to.. I've had carob before when I was a lot younger and had no problems then. There was also coconut and something else in it, both which I've never had such a reaction to... Next time, no chocolate substitute for me .. only the real deal!

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