Perth, the shitty city

WA is supposed to be the economic powerhouse of Australia. Whilst we may produce large amounts of GDP compared to other states, I must confess that Perth is still a shitty place to be living in.

There's not enough water, so we've had water restrictions for quite awhile now. There's not enough electricity, so over summer, Synergy pleaded with home owners to not use air conditioning. Now, some gas plant has blown up in the NW shelf, so now Alinta is pleading not to have too long hot showers and turn down gas heating. If we were to listen to them all, we can't do anything! Fuck sake!

Adding to that, housing is at ridiculous prices and is near unaffordable. Roads and traffic are shit and public transport is unreliable, too infrequent and unsafe outside of business hours. Food is expensive because we are in drought.

And supposedly, we are the 21st best city to live in. Like fuck we are.

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