No promotion

Today, I finally got to speak with my functional manager to discuss how I was progressing. Whilst I met most of the required competencies, there was a group of them which I didn't meet. Unfortunately, I am not able to be promoted until I beef up these skills.

And this is where the problem lies. In order to build skills in this area, I need to spend some time in a different project area, an area which currently has no available positions. Not only this, but my superior (who wants to be promoted to Senior) also requires time in the same area. I highly doubt that we both will get shifted across which means one of us will have to wait if/when a position arises.

It's a bit of a chicken/egg scenario. Can't get promoted cos I'm missing some skills, but I cannot get those skills cos there's no positions. It's bullshit if you ask me... I know I should be grateful to have a job but I was quietly confident of having the required ratings (required ratings are kept secret) and am disappointed that it's probably going to be another 6 to 12 months before I get off pleb status.

Australian Dollar

So the Aussie Dollar is doing quite well at the moment .. 77 US cents .. and at Mustafa, $1.12 SGD.

Just need it to hold strong for the next few months!! CMON!! *gestures like Lleyton Hewitt*

Moved in

So the last few months have gone by, I've bought a house, gone through settlement and the last few weeks have been busy preparing everything to move. I've been sleeping there 4 days now and thought I'd note some thoughts I've been having lately. (so hopefully I can look back and go wtf?)

Has it all been happy happy joy joy? Not really. It doesn't feel like home just yet, and I feel quite lonely at times. When busy at work or back at Mum and Dad's it's all OK but trying to get asleep, the mind starts running and I question if it was the right thing to do. All part of the process I guess, and things will get easier as time goes by (eating at Mum and Dad's for dinner this week probably is not helping).

Government spend spend spend!

So the Federal Government has decided to spend an additional $300 billion on Defence, which includes 12 new submarines.

woot.. woot.. woot.. woot.. woot.. woot.. woot.. woot.. woot.. woot.. woot.. woot.. woot.. woot.. woot.. woot.. woot.. woot.. woot.. woot.. woot.. woot.. woot.. woot.. woot.. woot.. woot.. woot.. woot.. woot..