Moved in

So the last few months have gone by, I've bought a house, gone through settlement and the last few weeks have been busy preparing everything to move. I've been sleeping there 4 days now and thought I'd note some thoughts I've been having lately. (so hopefully I can look back and go wtf?)

Has it all been happy happy joy joy? Not really. It doesn't feel like home just yet, and I feel quite lonely at times. When busy at work or back at Mum and Dad's it's all OK but trying to get asleep, the mind starts running and I question if it was the right thing to do. All part of the process I guess, and things will get easier as time goes by (eating at Mum and Dad's for dinner this week probably is not helping).

1 comment:

wagg said...

Ditto! Snap! Same-same! I feel ya, bro, I feel ya!