My driving tips/experiences

Here are some of my thoughts and tips for other drivers of Perth:

  • Mitchell and Kwinana Freeways should be renamed to Mitchell and Kwinana Carparks. Seriously. WTF? Every single day, the freeways are choked and aren't getting any better. Main Roads should seriously be thinking about adding extra lanes the entire length of the freeway.
  • Notice how on-ramps are downhill? That is to allow any vehicle (independent of power) to get up to 100km/h before the merge point. I see so many retards who fucking putt below the speed limit on the on-ramp. FFS. If my POS car can get up to 100km/h, then every fucking old woman/man in their 4WD/Falcodore can get up to speed. Here's a tip: Press the accelerator down further. Your lazy automatic gearbox will do the rest.
  • If you see someone up your arse, then pull the fuck over and let them pass. Who gives a shit if you're doing the limit.. someone wants to go faster than you. If everyone is up your arse and you're on the left lane, fuck off the freeway and take some slower paced roads instead.
  • No FUCKIN rubbernecking.
Turning Lanes

  • See the car behind you who wants to turn into a slip lane but can't? That's me. It's because you and every fucker in front of you has stopped with a zillion metres between each car. Why? Is the road flat? Yes. Even if it wasn't, an automatic car, or anybody with decent clutch skills will not roll back the cricket pitch you leave between cars. Simply edge forward and let everyone turn into the slip lane.
Traffic Lights

  • See the green light? It means GO. Don't fuckin dawdle. Everyone who fuckin putts off the line is simply holding up everyone else. Seriously. If everyone was paying attention and got off the line quickly, I wouldn't spend a fucking eternity at traffic lights everyday waiting through light changes cos some fucktard wasn't paying attention or didn't want to use some petrol and use some decent acceleration.
If everyone pays attention to these tips, then Perth might actually have less traffic issues. We're a "big town" FFS, we shouldn't have these huge traffic problems. If everybody took notice, everyone (or maybe just me) would be a lot happier on their drive to/from work.

1 comment:

wagg said...

So you are enjoying the drive to and from work each day??? :P

p.s. please don't speed.